12 Benefits of

Artificial Turf in Animal Shelters

The benefits of artificial turf are infinite. It doesn't have to be watered, it can easily be cleaned, and it has no insects or bugs. The artificial surfaces are also beneficial because they eliminate one of the key problems in many animal shelters- the spread of disease from one animal to another.

This is especially important in large metropolitan areas where animal shelters see a more significant influx of pets.
It is common to have last-minute pet owners who drop off their pets at the shelter in large metropolitan areas because they cannot take care of them any longer. This happens quite often near college campuses where students are experiencing a culture change and want more excitement in their lives. The unfortunate byproduct of these types of situations is the abandonment of pets.

The top 12 benefits of installing synthetic grass in busy environments like an animal shelter include:

  1. There are no insects to deal with. This cuts down on the amount of time needed for cleanup because there aren't bug or insect carcasses to pick up or bug bites for the pets.
  2. The artificial turf is easy to clean. It can be washed away with a hose and does not need chemicals, which means it is environmentally friendly.
  3. There is no chance of spreading disease through the grass. This helps protect animals from potentially life-threatening diseases, and it also protects employees from contracting a disease as well.
  4. Synthetic turf can be installed in high-traffic areas to prevent injury. This reduces the amount of liability that a facility would have if an accident were to happen.
  5. Pets don't like to use the bathroom in their living area. It is uncomfortable for them and can cause unnecessary stress. This has also caused some problems with pet owners over the years. However, if an animal relieves itself on artificial turf, no damage is done because it does not absorb liquids.
  6. Synthetic grass is durable and long-lasting. It remains in good condition even with high amounts of traffic or if it is located near a busy street or parking lot.
  7. It is environmentally friendly and sustainable. Unlike natural grass, artificial turf doesn't need sunlight to grow, which means the sun's rays are being saved from being absorbed by the grass.
  8. Synthetic turf is easy to install and maintain. It takes a fraction of the time needed to install natural grass, and it takes much less maintenance due to its durability.
  9. There is no risk for allergies from animal dander or dust mites because artificial turf does not have any organic material that can cause an allergic reaction.
  10. Synthetic grass can be cut to any shape or size. This is an advantage because it can fit into small spaces and reduce the leftover waste from cutting natural grass.
  11. Thousands of homes and businesses use artificial turf for their lawns, which means that there are a lot of trade companies that sell and install it. This might cause some problems with installation, especially if a business is located in a secluded area. However, the benefits of installing artificial turf outweigh any potential difficulties that may occur during installation.
  12. Animal shelters and pet adoption agencies might want to consider installing artificial turf in their facility for the sake of both their employees and animals housed at the facility. The installation will help with comfort, and it will also reduce an animal's stress level.

Consider the Cons of Turf in Shelters

There are several benefits of installing artificial turf in animal shelters and pet adoption agencies, but there are also some drawbacks that should be considered before installation. For example, animals might get used to using the facility's artificial turf and refuse to use natural grass. If this occurs, it will make it harder for employees to clean up after the animal has used the restroom.

However, with proper training, animals can be taught to use natural grass instead of artificial turf. This might mean that employees will have to put in more work after installation. Still, it is usually worth it because pet owners are often more willing to adopt animals from facilities where their pets are treated well.

It is important for animal shelters and pet adoption agencies to consider all of their options before installation because the benefits and drawbacks can vary depending on each shelter's needs.

Final Thoughts

Animal shelters and pet adoption agencies should consider these 12 benefits of artificial turf before installation. Customers might get turned off by facilities that do not provide a comfortable living environment for their pets, but installing artificial turf can reduce stress and make life easier for both employees and animals.

It is essential to look at all aspects of an installation because some drawbacks might not be worth the effort. However, by looking at both sides of the argument, business owners should be able to make a more informed decision about whether or not artificial turf is right for their facility.