12 Benefits of

Artificial Turf in Animal Shelters

Artificial turf has become a popular alternative to natural grass for athletic facilities, mainly because it allows the facility to be used year-round. This saves teams money since they are able to practice indoors during inclement weather instead of being forced to cancel practices. While there are many benefits that come along with artificial turf, there are also some drawbacks.


Save Money

Artificial turf saves money. With artificial turf, your facility is able to stay open year-round instead of just when the weather permits. This can save teams a lot of money in practice cancellations because they are no longer forced to sit idle during bad weather. This also reduces facility expenses since rain or shine it is still possible for athletes to use the field and get in their daily activities without having to reschedule practices and games around inclement weather. It has been proven that facilities with natural grass athletic facilities cancel 10% more practices than those with artificial surfaces.

Increase Revenue

Artificial turf also allows for increased revenue. When the facility is not being used because of inclement weather, it can be rented out to other teams who want to use the field. This allows facilities to make up for some of the costs associated with natural grass fields, especially if they are unable to practice or play games at their location due to it being unusable. These rentals will increase revenue and help athletic facility owners to stay afloat without the costs associated with having a natural grass field.

Save Time

Artificial turf also saves time, specifically practice time. With artificial turf, there is no need for coaches to wait for hours or days after a rainstorm to ensure that their facility is dry enough for practice or games to take place. Instead, they are able to switch their team over from outdoor activities to indoor practices immediately upon the threat of rain. This will save teams a lot of time that would have otherwise been wasted sitting idle waiting for weather conditions to improve. Additionally, having a usable facility year-round means that coaches and athletes do not have to worry about snow days or cancellations due to inclement weather.

Low Maintenance

One of the biggest benefits is that there is very little maintenance associated with artificial turf. There are no fertilizing, mowing, watering, re-seeding, or treatment costs that come along with natural grass. This saves facilities a lot of money since they are not responsible for these costs. If the athletes are able to practice at their facility instead of having to rent out another field or gym, this will save them even more money in the long run.

Constant Usage

With little maintenance comes the benefit of constant usage. Since artificial turf does not have to be mowed, watered, or treated, it is able to be used constantly without any downtime. This will allow owners and athletes to maximize their time at the facility by being able to use it whenever they want.

Improved Safety

By having an improved safety surface, athletes are less likely to become injured while playing on artificial turf. This is because many injuries are caused by the athlete slipping or tripping over natural grass, something that is less likely to happen on artificial turf. Using artificial turf can ensure that athletes are able to play sports without worrying about injury due to the surface they are working out on.


Poor Performance

With little maintenance comes the poor performance of the field. Artificial turf fields will wear out much faster than natural grass fields. This means that the facility owners will have to get a new surface installed more often and may be forced into spending more money on artificial turf. This can be detrimental because the turf was supposed to save them money in the long run.

Constant Pursuit of Perfection

With little maintenance, teams will have to work harder at maintaining their facility. If they allow the grass to grow too long or do not sweep debris off the surface each day, it can start to affect play and safety on the field. This means that coaches and athletes must be vigilant about upkeep and ensure that the surface is always playable and safe for their athletes. In order to provide this, they may have to invest more time into maintaining the field more frequently than natural grass would require.

Slippery During Rain

Another big downside is that during wet weather, artificial turf can become very slippery. This is due to the fact that any water on the surface will not drain as it would with natural grass, causing puddles of standing water on the turf. If athletes or coaches do not take steps to ensure that their shoes are not slipping on wet turf, there may be a higher risk of falls and injuries.

Increased Injuries

With an increased risk of injuries due to slip and fall accidents, coaches and players will have to monitor their teams closely. If it is raining, they may have to practice indoors or look out for athletes who are struggling with footing on the turf. However, this does not mean that all injuries on artificial turf occur in wet conditions. In fact, artificial turf can become quite hot during the summer months. This means that athletes might have a greater risk of heat-related injuries when playing on an artificial surface compared to natural grass.

As with many new innovations, artificial turf has caused some pros and cons in sports facilities. For the most part, it appears that there are more benefits than disadvantages to having your team's athletic facility equipped with artificial turf. The players will spend less time worrying about poor playing conditions due to rain or heat, allowing them to focus on their game. Overall, artificial turf will lead to fewer injuries and allow athletes to play their best. While it is important for coaches and players to be aware of possible slip and fall incidents on wet or hot days, these situations can be prevented with extra consideration and care.